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Public School: Bully Or Be Bullied

Some words on the essential power dynamic of public schooling and how this plays out later in life. What is the alternative?

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A little something for ya...

Thanks for being here with me. Your support means the world to me.

Sunset of the Boomers and LOTR Book Review

Some "casual Franssen" coverage of the gigantic Tolkien book, commentary on Boomers, and the permanent housing scheme that the older folks have going for themselves currently.

RTR Part 2: The Peril of Managing Others

What do to if we're chasing dead ends? What is the end result of carrying too much water? How can we get back to reality? What does managing another person look like?

Lauren Southern got psyopped by memes, you guys

No love in the heart means no filter for online content. But yeah, those darn frickin' men and their frickin' physical strength over women, dangit.

Lauren Southern got psyopped by memes, you guys
December 15, 2023
Chris Farley In Memoriam

An in-depth look at the life of the great comedy star, what possibly led to his downfall, and what he was like through the eyes of others.

Chris Farley In Memoriam
November 30, 2023

A film with potential that becomes a confused mess because the authors were not clear on philosophy.

A few more words on the new book!

Working on another non-fiction that will have a heavy dose of peaceful parenting.

A nice follow-up to my 2020 book, Peaceful Parenting.

I can't believe it's been 4 years already!

Essays For A Book

Hey all, I've been putting in work here and there to put together a book of my writings over the past two years or so. My last published work was The End Of Female Evil about two years ago. I'm eager to get another one on the board and so away I plug. I find the writing process to be more thorough than my stand and deliver video form, so there's a lot I'm uncovering that doesn't necessarily make it into videos.
I hope you're off to a great Sunday!

May 30, 2024

Happy Birthday Steven! Thanks for all that you do! You are an amazing human being ❤️

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