A few hours ago I put out a public call on my Telegram channel for people to join "Franssen Conversation", the conversation group that is available to anyone who wants to make a comment on any Telegram post of mine. So far 85 people have joined, which is about 19% of the people who saw the post. This is awesome engagement.
This response has me feeling motivated to treat the group more like a chat group in itself, as opposed to a simply byproduct of Telegram's comment function. I have updated the profile picture to suit the environment. I appreciate anyone here in the Locals who joined up. It is, of course, not the premium chat group available only to Locals subs, but it's a good leg up for engagement AND should the member count hit 200 people, we'll be able to turn on the aggressive spam filter via the Telegram app. This will make a huge difference in dealing with those pesky MAGA spam bots that keep showing up. Cheers!
Some words on my show appearance from yesterday, goals for 2025, a bulldog story, and what I will be up to this afternoon.
Woman loves man and man loves woman and they battle against crazy hectic forces in order to keep their horny love. Wow! Let's learn more, though.
Hey all, I'm hard at work on a new book and so here is an excerpt from it. I should be getting to some video content soon. Thanks for being here with me!
Heyo, if you aren't subbed to my Rumble channel, I would recommend you go over there and get subbed!
I'm hard at work this weekend on some writing. The new book is looking good.